Saturday 8 March 2008

In Dedication to the sad&heartbrkn souls that seek disclosure from the selfishness and betrayal of Infidelity, Because realistically...

....does anyone ever question what is the aftermath of an affair!!!

Back in week two we discussed Infidelity...not something I have a positive view about but here goes.......
My personal view on Infidelity ....I could never agree with it BUT only be against it. I honestly believe that infidelity causes so much pain and heartache that no matter how hard we as humans may want to stay strong and hold things together the pain and upheaval of going through that heartache and misery will almost defiantly to some degree destroy a part of you and the people involved. Have a look at this website as it seems to show an “UNDERSTANDING”
….. yeh I know……a understanding about Infidelity…

“A significant number of people are sexually unfaithful in their marriages. Infidelity provides a major occasion for divorce. For couples who don't divorce, infidelity is a major cause for long-lasting pain, disillusionment and mistrust. This article looks at the reasons people have for being sexually unfaithful. They include: to experience sexual variety, to find relief from life's stress and responsibilities, to make a point or force a change in the marriage and, sometimes, to maintain an unhappy marriage by meeting elsewhere the needs that aren't met at home.”

This is just a short passage taken from the website it isn’t a whole lot of information really, just common sense....or just educational bullshit (".)

I believe people don’t really understand the pain and grief that infidelity brings. The person you betray, become disloyal to, dishonest towards, unfaithful, untrue, false, fake and untrustworthy towards is that one person who trust’s you with their all and all you have in return is destroyed their truth. Many couples go through the pain of infidelity but the person who holds all the power and control of that pain never seems to understand the extent of it. The 18-year marriage, the anniversaries, the birth of their children, the house, the cars, the business, bank accounts, their bed, the family they nurtured and the little heart shaped engraving on the tree bark. It unfortunately happens and that’s why I feel infidelity is extremely pathetic and very sadly wrong. Trust is a very big thing; if you enjoy destroying people’s trust, belief’s and faith then you are not worthy of anyone’s time, LOVE or affection. I strongly believe in the great “saying” what goes around comes around…….yeh cliché but I’m only being honest. How depressing as nothing in life is easy and this definitely isn’t a straight down the line situation, No “ bye bye people have a wicked day and remember don’t commit any infidelity” …… it’s SINFUL I tell you, a sinfully painful blady sin. (“.)

A recent example Cheryl Cole and Ashley Cole … I know a cliché but it is pretty sad…no matter how horrid or mean or bitchy the person is…. We can quite clearly see it has destroyed Cheryl Cole.... proves my point...

...And yes yes yes I do see that there are two sides to every story but if your happy is your excuse for cheating then it’s easier to be honest and leave or break up then cheat and destroy some poor soul's world.


Pitseleh said...

Hey Keek,

Firstly thank you so much for your feedback, I'm still tweaking with the story so I will most definitely take your suggestions on board.

With this particular thread though I would like to share my experience regard the issues you have uncovered.

Almost two years ago I met my met my fiancée, Catherine. She literally came from nowhere and ours was such an unlikely of meeting; us both being in London in the same place; her being from New York, me a Brummie.

At the time however, I was in a comfortable relationship. Yes I cared very much for my girlfriend at the time, but when I met Catherine, no matter how much I wanted to do the right thing, I was oblivious to my conscience.

I strongly agree with what you say in your post, but unfortunately I have also experienced how horrible it feels to be pulled completely against your own grain by nothing other than love.

In a nutshell,

Peace x

Zahra said...

Hi thanks for your comment I had look at your blog and it has some interesting stuff I was just going to comment on your entry on infidelity I do agree that some people do not understand the pain that they cause but why don’t they?
If they can lie and cheat they should be honest enough to admit that what they are doing is unacceptable.
I also agree that amongst all this cheating it is not just the person getting cheated on that is getting hurt but people around them too.