Thursday 8 May 2008

Tattoo's..... "Ok Mother I vow never to even think about Tattoooooo's let alone get one, okee .... We even (".)"

Tattoos… well I always look at Tattoos and think wow …body art but I am also very much split between the questions and thoughts that; would I ever, could I ever and what the hell it isn’t going to happen. I come from an Asian orientated family where subjects like Tattoos are TABOOO… it is very much believed, understood and practised that…Tattoos are sinful, bad, evil and in a sense Tattoos corrupt ones beautifully pure and feeble soul.

Within this view, it is considered that our bodies are not there to be “drawn on” and if one permits a tattoo then they will be responsible for the punishment they will face in the after life.

Muslims believe the word tattoo is traced to the Tahitian, tatu or tatau, (tribe of people) simply meaning to mark or to strike. A tattoo is a design or marking made by the insertion of a pigment into punctures or cuts to the skin. Tattoos are a type of body modification and this is not allowed in Islam because is Haraam and it involves changing the creation of Allah Taa'la, (God)
I personally believe each to their own ….if it doesn’t affect me that why do I care. We all are in control (to a certain extent) of our own bodies, so if we wish to under go painful painful pain, then for the love of art let it be.

Yes for me religion is a factor…although my mother being the woman she is and the blatant fact that she would disown me (haha) if I ever had one does base the view that I WILL NOT BE HAVING ONE (Mother).
But I do think about although it maybe yum looking on a flat, slender, toned looking body…. I KNOW tattoos are permanent and will stay on forever and ever… “till the end of time”… and yes of course you can get one removed like Mrs ANGELINA JOLIE………..

Or have many more like Mrs ANGELINA JOLIE……..

On a personal level my sister tells how she would …..

“want to get one that will do me for the rest of my life, something that will make sense until I am 80, and somewhere where its not always on show but can also be seen without having to reveal private body parts to show people! Also I want it some where I can see it as well.. not on my back for example! I am just toying with the idea but I am tempted... I was thinking of getting my initials in pretty writing on the inside of my wrist... just something tiny! I know you are going to say 'but what if you get married and change your name'... but I am NEVER going to change my name... marriage or no marriage.... its my name.. and its my name for life! I don't see why a woman should have to sacrifice her name just coz she married someone! (Also I understand that I may change my mind about this one day but right now I feel pretty strong about the name thing)…..” Ok I can tell my sister thinks I am planning to keep her secret(oh and she has issues about marriage too) … but come one girlfriend Mother dearest has eyes she most definitely will see what is on your wrist you fart face….

A tattoo is something for my sister (in her warped mind) of significance. She wants meaning to exist, a story to be told…. her views are similar to many celebrates like Mrs Jolie who feel the need to want a MEANING behind the Tattoo.

“Usually all my tattoos came at good times. A tattoo is something permanent when you've made a self-discovery, or something you've come to a conclusion about.”

“I dropped my pants in a tattoo parlor in Amsterdam. I woke up in a waterbed with this funky-looking dragon with a blue tongue on my hip. I realized I made a mistake, so a few months later I got a cross to cover it. When my pants hang low, it looks like I'm wearing a dagger”ANGELINA JOLIE, USA Today interview, July 17, 2003

That is all well and true (the tales and essence behind the tattoo) but many celebrates have tattoos with the understanding that its brings meaning and enlightenment….David Beckham, as foolish as he is even I felt a bit of pity for him haha ….. well laughing pity .. he a silly goose

Beckham's tattoo misspelt

Football player David Beckham has misspelt his wife's name on his latest tattoo.
The tattoo on his left forearm is incorrect, spelling Victoria with an added "h" as Vihctoria.
The Manchester United player reportedly decided to have his wife's name in Hindi script because he felt it would be less "tacky" than having it in English.

Tacky.... well the history of Tattoo's tells a very similar story. The word tattoo is said to have two major derivations- from the polynesian word ‘ta’ which means striking something and the tahitian word ‘tutu’ which means ‘to mark something’. the history of tattoo began over 5000 years ago and is as diverse as the people who wear them. tattoos are created by inserting colored materials beneath the skins surface. the first tattoos probably were created by accident. someone had a small wound, and rubbed it with a hand that was dirty with soot and ashes from the fire. once the wound had healed, they saw that a mark stayed permanently. despite the social sciences' growing fascination with tattooing,and the immense popularity of tattoos themselves and its practice has not left much of a historical record.